Other questions
Q: What is the maximum amount of herostones I can receive in a hero upgrade pack?
A: The maximum number of herostones you can receive is 65.
Q: Why is it that when a character has taunt and an opponent has counter, the counter attack doesn't hit the character with taunt?
A: It’s intended by design.
Q: Why do the damage numbers come up in different colors?
A: Critical hits are shown in orange, and regular are shown in yellow.
Q: Who are the leaders?
A: some heroes have a special leader ability that is activated if the hero is standing in the first slot. For instance, like Darian in this picture:
Q: What is synergy? Is it important?
A: Some heroes work better together. Don’t forget to read their abilities descriptions to make sure you’re building the best team that works awesome with each other.
Q: Can heals crit?
A: Yes they can!
Q: My team is stronger than my opponent’s, but I still lose. Why does this happen, what should I do?
A: Try another strategy, or levelling up and upgrading your heroes.
Q: I’m lost/stuck, where can I get help?
A: If you have any questions or concerns, please hit us up on help@playquantum.com. We’re always there to help!
Q: I want to meet new people who play the game, where can I go?
A: You can always meet new people in the in-game chat or on the official Dragon Champions Discord.
Q: Where to get the unattainable characters that I see in my Arena’s opponents team?
A: They appear in tournaments and events. Stay tuned if you wanna get them!
Q What is planned for the World Championship mode? When will it be ready?
A: Stay tuned!
Q: Why do Pandas, Orcs, Humans and Goblins fight together?
A: Desperate times call for desperate measures! Also, diversity and friendship is the key to success.