Connection Problems

Q: Can I play Dragon Champions offline?

A: Dragon Champions is an online game. This means that the game can only work when your device is connected to the internet. If you’re having connectivity problems please try the following:

  1. Switch to other type of internet connection — from Wi-Fi to cellular, or try another Wi-Fi network
  2. Turn off any third party apps that can limit data transfer, for instance, Proxy, VPN or Firewall
  3. Close the game completely, and then start it again.

Q: I’m stuck at 2% at the loading screen. What’s wrong?

A: It’s a good idea to check if you’re logged into Game Centre if you’re on iPhone, or into your Google account, if you’re on Android. Logging out and back in can also help. If the issue persists, contact us at

Q: I’m stuck at 28% at loading screen. What could it be?

A: This indicates that something is preventing you from connecting to the game servers. Try checking your internet connection, restarting it, and turning off all your VPN apps. If this doesn’t help, hit us up at

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